How to See a Therapist During COVID-19 Quarantine


The isolation made necessary by COVID-19 made seeing a therapist during quarantine difficult for many people. Although the pandemic brought this challenge to light, visiting a counselor’s office poses a challenge for many people, even under the best of circumstances.

Utah telehealth services from Live Well Counseling allow our clients to see their therapist from the comfort and safety of their own homes – or wherever else they might be.

If you aren’t familiar with telehealth or teletherapy, you might be surprised by how secure and convenient these services can be.


What Is Teletherapy?

Teletherapy – also known as telemental – is a form of telehealth service that allows you to meet with your counselor or therapist online.

Seeing a mental health counselor is imperative for many clients. During times of stress – such as we have experienced with COVID-19 – the need can become even greater. Today’s advanced technology ensures that you can get the counseling services you need, even when you can’t make a face-to-face appointment.

All you need is an internet connection and a device with a camera, such as a tablet, smartphone, desktop or laptop computer. Typically, you have the option to use your phone’s audio or the audio features on your device (with headphones or without), while using the video camera and screen on your computer or tablet.


How Does Online Counseling Work?

When you schedule an online therapy session, you can expect your appointment to look and feel almost exactly like an in-person talk therapy session.

On your screen, you will see your therapist’s image while your therapist will see yours. Thus, you simply talk to one another normally. You can ask questions and communicate with your therapist freely from any location that’s comfortable for you. You will want to find a private spot where you can talk freely but many clients feel that online counseling is even more comfortable and private than face-to-face therapy sessions.

The flexibility and convenience of telemedicine therapy are significant. You don’t have to drive or find transportation to your counselor’s office, saving you the time and cost of commuting. You won’t have to worry about fighting traffic or finding a parking space. You can keep your appointment if you’re sick or out of town, or whenever bad weather strikes. Online therapy is an ideal solution for clients who are housebound as well as those who live in remote areas.


Is Mental Health Telemedicine Safe?

Counselors and mental health therapists have an ethical and legal obligation to ensure the privacy of their clients.  In addition, counselors must comply with all federal privacy rules, no matter how they deliver their services. This requires a highly specialized telemedicine platform that ensures a secure and confidential connection.

Live Well Counseling uses a HIPPA-compliant technology platform with a secure, data-encrypted communication channel. You will enjoy a level of privacy that gives you peace of mind and allows you to interact with your counselor freely.

Online therapy is safe in other ways too. You’ll never have to worry about coming in contact with someone who’s ill or running into anyone you know. This keeps you and your therapist safer and further ensures your privacy.


Utah Teletherapy Options

Here at Live Well Counseling, we serve clients in South Jordan, Utah, and throughout the metropolitan Salt Lake City area.

We provide compassionate in-office counseling services that include:

  • Individual counseling,
  • Couples counseling,
  • Family therapy,
  • Play therapy, and
  • EMDR therapy.

With only a few exceptions, we can securely and confidentially deliver any of our services online.

If you would like to learn more – or if you would like to schedule an online counseling, teletherapy or mental health telemedicine appointment, contact us today or click to schedule your appointment online.